Tuesday Mar 25

About Us

For over 30 years, Social Policy has served as key site for intellectual exchange among progressive academics and activists from across the United States and beyond, including: Frances Fox Piven, Jonathan Kozol, Noam Chomsky, Marian Wright Edelman, Ivan Illich, Stanley Aronowitz, Michael Lerner, Gloria Steinem, and many more.

Now published by The Labor Neighbor Research and Training Center in cooperation with the Organizers’ Forum, Social Policy reports on and analyzes contemporary movements for social change in the workplace, the community, and the world.

"It is time to call for justice with the rage of ancient prophets and in the manner of wise men and women long ago. We must make every organizing campaign a local referendum on human rights..."

Stewart Acuff,
Organizing Director,

Social Policy seeks to inform and report on the work of labor and community organizers who build union and constituency-based groups, run campaigns, and build movements for social justice, economic equality, and democratic participation in the U.S. and around the world.

Social Policy offers unparalleled coverage of globalization and international labor and social movements, from the role of the AFL-CIO in Venezuela, to land struggles in Brazil and Zimbabwe, to inside debates over the direction of social change in South African and Brazil.

The Labor Neighbor Research and Training Center provides research and training for community and labor organizations working in low and moderate income communities across the United States. The Organizers’ Forum conducts Organizers’ Dialogues, where experienced organizers reflect on strategy, innovative tactics, and international social movements.

Social Policy is published quarterly in Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter by the Labor Neighbor Research and Training Centre, in cooperation with the Organizers Forum. All Inquires Should be Addressed to:

Social Policy Magazine, 2221 St. Claude Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana  70117

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 504-302-1238

Editorial Advisory Group:
Noam Chomsky, Janice Fine, Peter Olney, Frances Fox Piven,  Heather Booth, Peter Dreier, Maya Wiley, Robert Fisher, Ashutosh Saxena.

Organizers' Forum Board:
John Calkins, Tho Thi Do, Mary Gonzales, Ken Johnson, Michael Kieschnick, Drummond Pike, Pat Sweeney, Mary Rowles, John Hyot, Gustavo Torres.